Compassionate Coaching
Mindful Mentoring

Hello I'm John and thank you for being here.

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The cup, the bowl, in the image above is regarded as a source of inexhaustible sustenance and abundance. It is also associated with the symbolism of the heart. That's what I bring as a Compassionate Coach.

Where someone else might see a fault I see a chance to learn and grow; where someone else sees guilt or shame I see a past experience that can be transformed.

As Leonard Cohen famously sung: Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.

We all have cracks, but it's not always obvious, and the light gets stuck outside and we get stuck inside.

I bring experience plus Mindfulness and Mindful Self-compassion to help you and the people you work with to recognise the cracks, to let the light in and learn to allow life to unfold instead of trying to control it. That way you and they will have more and better choices. And you’ll all be happier!

My Compassionate Coaching is about how the energy of kindness for yourself and others can become the motivation that inspires you personally and professionally.

By noticing the cracks, by allowing a pause, by using the breath, by bringing kindness, you can change the way you make decisions and the way you live your life. This will enhance the wellbeing of you and those around you.

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